

Ginie of price hike lies within the government: Hasanul Haque Inu


Dhaka Office

Publish: 11 Mar 2024, 07:57 AM

Ginie of price hike lies within the government: Hasanul Haque Inu

There are genies  within the government, where the dishonest trifecta has amalgamated into one entity. Dishonest bureaucrats, unscrupulous businessmen, and corrupt politicians stand as the pillars of corruption. Rather than addressing the symptoms, we should strike at the root cause. Hasanul Haque Inu, the former minister of Sheikh Hasina's government and president of Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (Jasad), expressed these sentiments in an interview with the Dhaka representative of Bangla Outlook.

Bangla Outlook: Your comments regarding the advice given by the Industries Minister to opt for plums over dates at Iftar have garnered attention. Many individuals within the ruling party have suggested that your stance, being outside the government, fosters animosity against it. What are your thoughts on this?

Hasanul Haque Inu: My primary concern is accurately portraying the situation, regardless of others' perceptions or acceptance. If I have misrepresented facts, I am open to criticism. Irregular market price fluctuations are more significant than mere price increases. While slight price adjustments due to economic factors are understandable, the inconsistency of prices throughout the day defies financial logic. Different prices in the morning, noon, and afternoon do not align with any established economic principles.

Bangla Outlook: What do you believe is causing the rise in prices?

Hasanul Haque Inu: Policy errors and deliberate manipulation could occur. I'm referring to that manipulation—it's a complete failure in management.

Bangla Outlook: The Minister of State for Commerce stated that controlling syndicates is not feasible. Do you share this view?

Hasanul Haque Inu: I disagree with that assertion. When a syndicate operates, it indicates corruption within an organisation. Corrupt entities can be tackled. Claiming that theft cannot be prevented while thieves cannot be apprehended doesn't make sense. Therefore, I disagree with the notion that syndicates cannot be stopped. Other countries in the world have successfully curbed syndicates, so why can't we do the same in our country?

Bangla Outlook: Do you believe those responsible are displaying irresponsibility or indifference?

Hasanul Haque Inu: The administration's inability to control the situation indicates either irresponsibility or negligence. This warrants investigation.

Bangla Outlook: What actions would you take if you were in charge?

Hasanul Haque Inu: If theft occurs, the thief can be apprehended. I would do everything in my power to catch the culprits. Why do you think extortion in transportation cannot be halted? It can be stopped if there is a will. Goods valued at 10 taka are being sold for 100 taka. People, not mystical beings, orchestrate this exploitation. There's no invisible force at play here. Since people are orchestrating these schemes, it's possible to discipline these individuals exploiting the system by adjusting prices throughout the day via telephone calls.

Bangla Outlook: You previously held a ministerial position within the government; why didn't you address these irregularities then?

Hasanul Haque Inu: During my tenure in the government, I consistently spoke out against irregularities, corruption, and mistakes. I raised these concerns in the Parliament and in cabinet meetings. I addressed issues such as food-for-work schemes and criticised them, even facing opposition from fellow MPs in the Parliament. A few days ago, I voiced my objections to the rising electricity, diesel, and oil prices. I vehemently opposed the practice of charging extra money under the guise of quick rentals, expressing my stance strongly in the Parliament. Whether I was a Member of Parliament or a minister, it didn't matter; I continued to speak out against injustices. Even though I am no longer in the Parliament, if I continue to speak out against these injustices, and it's not well-received by some, their criticism is unfounded. The question should be whether what I've said is right or wrong. I harbour no resentment; this is the truth. I seek remedies for these issues.

Bangla Outlook: Apart from commodity prices, various other irregularities occur, involving those in power. What are your observations on this? Who is involved in these?

Hasanul Haque Inu: The three corrupt entities, representing the demons of corruption, have united as one. Dishonest businessmen, bureaucrats, and politicians form the syndicate responsible for this corruption. I compare it to a three-headed monster. Hence, I advise the government to target the core of this corruption, hitting the head of this triad without merely addressing its tail. If the government can effectively tackle these corrupt forces within, the overall level of corruption will diminish. These demons reside within the government, pillaging the resources of Bangladesh. They engage in practices like under-invoicing and over-invoicing, as well as inflating project costs. We can rectify the situation by smashing the head of this corrupt triad. That's the approach I advocate.

Bangla Outlook: Thank you for your insights.

Hasanul Haque Inu: I also want to express my gratitude to Bangla Outlook. Let us continue to protest injustice. I hope Bangla Outlook will uphold a firm stance against wrongdoing and continue on this righteous path.
